Business Guidance

Your Data Needs Help

Innovations in big data, analytics tools, and easier access to broad global data are helping reshape businesses, research, and global initiatives. But data is only valuable when it’s used. Managing that data is an integral process for all organizations, but can be a huge burden. Luckily, lots of outsourced solutions exist to solve all these [...]

2015-02-17T08:15:26-05:00By |Impact Stories|

What to Consider When Considering a BPO

Choosing to engage an outsourcing partner to support your operations can be a fantastic decision. Outsourcing your projects has many benefits beyond costs savings. If you’ve decided that offloading your work is right for you, you have to understand how to find the right BPO partner. This is a detail oriented process that if done [...]

2015-01-27T08:14:22-05:00By |Impact Stories|

How to Decide When It’s Time to Outsource

Engaging an outsourcing partner can feel like a large commitment. Assigning your projects to a foreign team can feel like a large risk or that you’re undermining the cohesion of your company.  In reality, working with an outsourced team should be a logical next step in your business’ growth. An effective partnership should feel like [...]

2015-01-06T08:12:41-05:00By |Impact Stories|
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